weight loose exercises to remain fit

The words aerobic and anaerobic refer to energy pathways that are utilized during exercise. Aerobic means “with oxygen” and anaerobic means “without oxygen”.
Fat needs oxygen to burn completely so in order to burn fat during an exercise we need to move slowly and smoothly. This enables muscle cells to be supplied with enough oxygen to continue with its aerobic capacity and utilize fat as the main energy source.

weight loose exercises to remain fit 

Anaerobic Exercise

The words aerobic and anaerobic refer to energy pathways that are utilized during exercise. Aerobic means “with oxygen” and anaerobic means “without oxygen”.
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Fat needs oxygen to burn completely so in order to burn fat during an exercise we need to move slowly and smoothly. This enables muscle cells to be supplied with enough oxygen to continue with its aerobic capacity and utilize fat as the main energy source.

Anaerobic exercise requires moving at an increased pace or with greater effort. Exercising this way burns more calories but results in a greater demand for oxygen which cannot be delivered in sufficient quantities to allow cells to continue burning fat. When we breath heavy we start to develop an oxygen debt and muscle cells switch to burning mainly carbohydrates, this fuel burns quickly and does not require oxygen.

Boosting the metabolism in order to lose weight is one of the best ways for fast results. Almost any exercise will help raise the metabolism to some degree if done correctly but some exercises are better than others for faster fat burning results. 

Running skipping and jogging are the best metabolic exercises as they increase the metabolism, increased blood circulation and lead to calorie loss from all parts of the body. If confined to indoors skipping and jogging at one place is best.

If using fitness equipment, motorized tread mills, elliptical cross trainers and exercise bikes are the best for whole body exercises and excellent for overall weight reduction.

Although anaerobic exercises burn more carbohydrates they can be important in any weight loss program. They help burn fat indirectly by increasing the metabolic rate after an exercise session.

How Exercises Compare

The following table contains the approximate caloric expenditure in a 30 minute period of exercise for a person weighing 68kg for various exercises and intensity of work.

Exercise Intensity Calories/½ hour
Aerobics Light 120
  Moderate 200
  Vigorous 300
Walking 4 km/hr 105
  7 km/hr 200
  10 km/hr 370
Running 9 km/hr 320
  10 km/hr 350
  12 km/hr 430
  16 km/hr 550
Cycling 9 km/hr 120
  16 km/hr 220
  21 km/hr 320
Swimming 25 metres/min 165
  40 metres/min 240
  50 metres/min 345
Rowing Light 200
  Vigorous 420

Add 10% for every 7kg over 68kg and deduct 10% for every 7kg under 68kg

Calorie Calculator

Enter the exercise & intensity, duration, your weight and then select the “calculate” button for an analysis of the amount of
calories expended.

Exercise – 
Weight –   kg
Energy expenditure is