Free 160by2 International SMS

160by2 is one of the ways to send free international sms. Once you have logged in by visiting their website then you can access the free sms service. The sms service will cover Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arab, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and India. You can send unlimited sms to these countries without paying anything

Free 160by2 International SMS

160by2 is one of the ways to send free international sms. Once you have logged in by visiting their website then you can access the free sms service. [hana-code-insert name=’large rectangle’ /]The sms service will cover Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arab, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and India. You can send unlimited sms to these countries without paying anything.

If you want to send 160by2 international sms through internet then you can just log in and create your Id to start sending the international sms. If you want to use it through your mobile phone then you need to download the applications supporting the service from All the applications are supported by Java operating system.

For sending the 160by2 international sms you have to enter the country code of the country where the receiver of the message lives and then enter the number. Write your message and send it to the person you want to. Yes, it is as easy as said. The maximum length of the message can be 145 characters.

For all the details you can access which is a very easy to navigate website and even if you have never used this way of messaging you would not find it difficult to send 160by2 international sms.